Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Turn, Turn, Turn

This has been an interesting time. I've known a lot of people that are pregnant and having kids but I've also known a lot of people in bad health. Within 24 hours the Lions lost a great man, Lion Brad and my grandfather passed away. It's difficult to finally have both of them out of pain. They were both at stages where the only way for them to be better and no longer in pain was for them to pass. It's very rough watching my father lose is dad. I only heard this morning around 3am because he was on the phone outside my room. The house phone was ringing and work me up, for some reason, I heard my dad say that it was my grandmother but then I heard funeral and I knew. What makes things worse for my dad is that today is his birthday. My mom told me that when anyone mentions that it's his birthday he just cries, I can only imagine how difficult it is. I just needed to get that out and now I need to spend some time with my family. Much love to those above.

Monday, January 24, 2011


It's the new year and a lot yet a little have happened. I lost my job at the casino and now I'm unemployed, yet again. Turns out my body disliked working third shift and favored sleeping during that time. (What's funny is that I'm seeing a guy that works third shift (11pm-7am) with Miller.) I'm still trying to get out of Milwaukee but it's more difficult since the boy is a rock and can't be moved with his job.

Let's back track to 2010 before I get too in depth with no background. In December I finally got to go to a Packer game at Lambeau!!! It was such a great experience except that I had to work the following night and ended up getting the flu. Here's where I would rant about the casino and how stupid they are but I'm over it and if anyone really cares I can fill them in later. So I ended up getting off of work for new years till they decided to "end their business relationship" with me. This was actually really good for me, I wanted to have a social life and hadn't because of my schedule at work. I got in touch with a friend in the Milwaukee area and we went out to the bars (my first time at the bars for New Years!!) The guy that I'm now seeing was my New Years kiss, oh he's not a random guy from the bar but a friend of my friend that I went out with. Long story short, I've been spending a lot of time with him lately and not so much time at home.

I did manage to make a trek to the UP for the Notre Dame series. We were swept at home but I was happy to be at the games. The puckheads were not at all friendly and I'm not all too sure why they're still holding a grudge against me, if that's what it is. I was very happy to see Lacee, Danis and Chelsea I'm waiting for them to visit me in mke. Lot's of drinking was done as per Yooper standards. Next trek up, hopefully, Michigan series. My goal is to talk the boy into coming with or at least borrowing his Jeep with snow tires.

On to what needs to get done. The Stratus isn't doing all too well. He might have a problem with his muffler or part of the exhaust system. This means I desperately need to find a job to afford a new vehicle. I hope that he survives through the winter. Also, my grandfather is at the hospital and we all thought he was going to pass but he's been so tough and pulled through another heart attack. He's been going up and down for 22 years, I think had he not been requesting to be kept alive no matter what he would've passed about 10 years ago. It's sad seeing him the way that he is but he manages to have the same horrible sense of humor that I unfortunately have as well.

On the list: find a job, get a new/used vehicle, get to alaska (maybe in April), learn how to drive a zamboni, get back to the UP for some more hockey

Friday, December 17, 2010

New Low

Started working at the local casino and I'm still not sure about it. It's something that pays me and they hired me but I dislike the chances to travel and get out of mke. There is nothing that I would like more than to travel and leave mke right now. Maybe it's the hockey game that I'm listening to that makes me miss mqt even more and all of the people. I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life but am hoping to get through my first 90 days at the casino and learn some games. Hopefully I'll know by summer if I'll be staying there a full year or not. Currently, I'm thinking no. I've been working graveyard which is 2am-10am and the hours are killing me. We're doing a schedule re-bid so we'll see where I end up come mid-January. I think the new job search will begin in April.
2010 has been way to crazy and psychotic for me, I hope that 2011 is nothing like it. I just can't wait till the new year. I hope that I can get some stress out by attending some hockey games. Still working on finding a place to teach me how to drive a zamboni.
If I don't post between now and the new year, my resolutions as of now are: to get out of mke to travel (hopefully move out of mke and my parents house), learn how to drive a zamboni, make a trip to alaska.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

You and Your Heart

Wow, completely missed September. Well it was bound to happen at some point. Let's see... Labor Day was fun with my second family. Nothing uber life changing from what i recall. Froze, and took a mini trip to the soo and got to see rowdy. That was pretty fun. On the way back I drove lacee's car around the roundabout outside of mqt 3 times. that was actually very epic, not sure how many people have done that!

Other key things that have happened: wow, i'm drawing a blank. oh! went to the UP for a weekend and painted and saw some of the puckheads. that was a pretty good time.

I'm really brain dead right now, all I can think of is how much I really want to leave mke. I have a job working for a lady as a bookkeeper till she gets things figured out. I'm looking for a job in mke but if something doesn't come up I'll probably stay till the end of the year. I applied at a whole bunch of bars downtown and am playing the waiting game right now. If I do get something I might just stay for less than a year a relocate unless it's good. I'm still working out my options as to where to go. I have a good friend that if he said "move now" I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm afraid that if I visit him that I won't leave. I suppose I'll just bring resumes and apply near him. All I really wanted to say is that I want to get out of mke sooner than later. I'll miss the beer but I feel that I will survive with out it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm an Idiot

Drat, I failed at posting again in July and almost completely missed August. Well better late than never.

The end of the July went very well for me. Being in Marquette was desperately needed. I loved seeing Lacee and Dave. We actually took a sub-trip off of mine to Houghton for some KBC! We also went to the MineShaft just to drive the go-karts. The week was so wonderful, time with Lake Superior and my bestest friends. The weekend in Chicago was fun with B-Club. Kevin's friends from Chi-town were super fun to hang out with. The first night in town I met a few of them at the local bars and we met up with them again downtown the following night. I spent a lot of time with Matt and Lauren and went into town early. It was fun spending time with them since Matt had never been to Chicago and Lauren had only gone once. Chicago isn't my favorite city, at all, but I was hanging out with friend's so it didn't matter where I was. Transformers 3 was being filmed in town and we got a lot of pictures 'behind the scenes' of the rubble. Eventually, everyone got into the city and we couldn't come to a decision of what to do since there were about 15 of us. That was definitely a challenge although Lauren and I went to Filene's Basement! That place is so brilliant! That night we ended up on Rush street till about 3 am. It was amazing that we found 3 places to go with NO cover. Started at an Irish Pub then across the street to a smaller bar where we played pool and then to a dance club. I think the dance club was the most fun since everyone was dancing. My birthday was very lax which was nice since the previous week wore me out.

Lionsfest was very successful other than the rain and possible flooding. I ended up getting over 100 mosquito bites on my legs the first night of security thanks to all the rain. Even with security I managed to get myself to the fest every day to help out with games. My favorite part was seeing people I went to school with and have them not recognize me, love it! My friend from Houston got into town Saturday night but I was working so I didn't get to see him till Sunday. I managed to get out of clean up for the fest and met up with him downtown. It was really nice to catch up with him and see him again after a whole year of not seeing him. I am so very very happy that I kept in touch with him throughout the year. I ended up spending every night with him that he was in town since I don't know when I'll get to see him again. He's got a full work schedule, and I don't know if I can afford to visit him.

The road trip around WI ended up having some plan changes made. I went straight to EC since I had stayed out late the previous night and needed some sleep. New Glarus is saved for a later trip. I had fun in EC, went to a Lia Sophia party and bought some new jewelry that is retired now and went out for Abby's last night in town. It was a fun time all around, but I found myself missing a certain someone. Saturday morning I helped Abby load up and left early to get to Hewitt. It was great seeing my little cousins, Will and Ben. I played with Will and was sad to leave since we had so much fun. Ben should be walking soon which will be fun with the two of them. My blind date that night was not very good. Didn't drink beer, travel, or know about sports. It didn't work out so I spent the night losing to my uncle at Life with my aunt. We did have some pretty good margarita's though! I headed back home on Sunday after dinner and stopped to check out Abby's new place then head home.

The rent's celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary by going to Baltimore. they left bright and early on Monday so I had to drive them to the airport. I think I hung out at home still looking for jobs while they were gone. A few weeks later I went to Brat Days in Sheboygan with Abby since her bf was working it. We saw and amazing artist, McCurdy. He sang Sex & Beer and I got a t-shirt and got it signed! The next day I trekked back to the UP for the weekend to 'crash' my friend's wedding. It was really fun crashing their wedding since I know both of them and I'm pretty sure they didn't think I was going to be able to be there. Lacee and I were the outcasts from the other local friend's but we rocked as usual. Ended up dancing more with the bride's fam and ruling the dance floor. No open bar but thank God I had New Glarus in the car so we had the exclusive beer at the wedding. We went out that night for one of Lacee's friend's from hs birthday. We were out till bar close but felt like it was earlier than that. It was very sad to leave but we all know I will return to mqt.

The past few weeks have been slow with not much going on. Watching pre-game Packer's games and still looking for a job. Went to the Lion's races and met some of the new AFS kids. I have also decided that I'm going to go to grad school for hospitality and tourism management. I'm looking at the east coast and would like to get into Umass-amherst. They feel similar to NMU but much closer to NYC... roadtrip?

Labor day is coming up and I'm excited to spend some time camping with my second family!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

I'm not sure when I last posted and what it was about exactly but here's what's going on. I worked for a knife selling company for 10 days and it was the dumbest thing I've ever done. Not sure what I was thinking sticking with that. It was a pyramid scheme and not at all for me. On the bright side, I made $200 which isn't bad for the amount of work I did. In short, if you're desperate for money, work for these people and quit after the fast start (you get free things depending on how much you sell).

I am on the job hunt with marketing companies interested in me in Houston and New York City. Only problem is that I have to get myself there at my own expense for an interview for a job I might not get. I'm on monster and looking for some sort of clerical, administrative assistant position.

The fourth of July was great. I spent a lot of time with my cousins and had a great time. It was a very relaxing weekend and totally worth it. I love going to Door County because it's so beautiful and I wouldn't have to leave my grandparents place because it's so great on it's own. Highlights of the weekend: diced a LOT of garlic with my grandfather and had some bonding time with him (you could smell the garlic down the driveway), watched my grandpa, uncle, and dad try to stand up a rock that had tipped back, because of this I got to drive the tractor for the FIRST time! played with william and benjamin (hopefully I can nickname them billiam and benji) they were fun and we got some great pics of them. missed the fireworks.. well we watched them from a distance but I drank a fat squirrel while watching. I feel like I'm missing something, oh well.

My car was making funny noises for quite awhile and I wasn't happy with it. Turns out the drum on the brake was splitting. This meant that we needed to replace it completely. My dad ended up getting the drums and new brakes and replaced them. Then my second cousin, David, helped out and helped me clean up my car. He actually got one dent out a bit. He also cleaned up the headlights, no longer yellow, and some small scratches on the trunk and back bumper. I cleaned my car out, vacuumed and washed, I'll wash it again in two weeks. I also got an offer on my car, I don't plan to sell it, especially after talking with my dad. Right now, to me, my car feels almost new. It's a great feeling like when you work really hard outside then shower and feel so good and clean.

On a horrid note, my ex-bf Doc has not been helping his cause much. I know he used to follow this but I'm not sure if he does anymore. If he does then I'm not too happy, if he wanted things to work out between us then quit acting like an ass that's 12 years old. It's not fun to deal with this bullshit when I don't have to. All I have asked is for my things back, what more is there? I want to move on with my life and somehow I'm stuck in this sad sorry piece of shit space waiting to move on. Please end this amount of bullshit and send me my things. That's all I ask. Thank you.

On to the bright side of life. I have planned a great summer for me to get over the previous. I'll be in Marquette with the best of the best for about a week. Spotted Cow will be transported and it will be wonderful. Then it's off to Chi-town for a fun weekend with B-Clubbers. Not too sure what the plans are there but it doesn't really matter. After that it's my birthday and I turn 22! Having dinner at my favorite restaurant Buca di Beppo! The weekend after that is Lionsfest and I'm running security again so money in my pocket, or to pay of credit cards from the previous week. The same weekend a friend from Houston will be in town so I plan on spending time with them while they're in town. After that I'll be off on a road trip around WI. New Glarus, Eau Claire, and Hewitt. New Glarus to pick up some items (not going on the tour yet), EC to visit the sis before she heads back south, and Hewitt to spend some time with my little cousins and my aunt said she'd set me up on a blind date. It should be a great summer/July. Oh yeah, after that my sister will be moving to Cedarburg so I'll return just in time to help her move.

Maybe I'll update between now and August since my record shows one post a month...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's Raining Men

It's only right that after such a long weekend I would decide to write on a very rainy day in SM. So much has happened in such a short while. My dad celebrated another birthday and it's been so long I can't remember anything big that happened.

The week of my sister's graduation Doc came up to visit some friends in Hudson and I joined him. We spent a lot of time in the twin cities walking around. By the end of the few days in Hudson things ended between us. I don't want to go into details because it is not necessary. I kept myself put together for Abby's graduation and enjoyed her day. I was so happy for her!!! My family helped her move out of her house but she's still in EC for the summer. On the way back to SM my parents and I stopped to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins. It was nice to see them since I hadn't seen them for such a long time. I'm going to have to plan a trip to visit them for a week/end.

The following weekend was memorial day and I spent that with family in door county. Abby brought her roommate Devin with her and it was odd that she brought him with. (By the end of the weekend they were dating, go figure!) The time with family was great and I had fun playing with my 2-year old cousin and picking on my sister. It's amazing how much things have changed in a few years. I also got to go trap shooting with my grandfather and uncle. This was fun but I wish I shot a bit better. It would be smart to start really shooting on my own so that I can go with them and do much better.

The weekend after I worked a dance recital at the PAC and my best friend came to visit me. We explored SM one night and ended up at a bar i've never been to. The following night we went downtown for dinner, after much needed naps, and wandered water street in the rain. We found a great bar that is similar to Doghouse in Mqt, definitely going back there. Towards the end of the night we went to the 3rd ward and met up with my friend Andy. It was nice to meet more of his friends and hang out. Eventually, the weekend ended and Lacee had to return home, she will return again.

This past week was very busy though. I worked on tuesday, thursday, friday and saturday for my favorite dance company at the PAC. I also had an interview on wednesday and have a summer job with potential to continue throughout the year. Abby got into town on thursday night and Devin got into town on friday. My grandparents came to visit on friday and saturday. I got everything set for the rummage on thursday, baked my ass off on friday and had the rummage on saturday. I think saturday was the longest day I've had in quite awhile. I ended up making quite a profit from the rummage and sold the basketball hoop and a few other big items. Sunday was a grad party for my sister and I. There were a lot of people that came and it was overwhelming at times. I enjoyed the party and watched the Tony's at the end of the party.

This week has been moving fairly slow so far. My mom had off of work on monday so we went apartment searching for Abby and then to visit my grandma and grandpa. I also had a prelim interview with a theatre group in naples, FL. I still need to apply for some other jobs because I'd like to find something a bit more stable for a few years rather than a few months.

Upcoming events: SUMMERFEST